Archive for May 28th, 2008


Father’s Day Gift Idea

May 28, 2008

Father’s day is only a couple of weeks away, but there is still time to create a personalized photo book for dad, grandpa or a favorite uncle. Here are a few themes to spark your creativity:

  • Children/grandchildren
  • Hobbies
  • Vacations
  • Family History

My father-in-law tells me that the 5×3.25 mini brag books from Viovio fit perfectly in a man’s shirt pocket which is “very handy for showing off grandchildren because men don’t carry purses.” These little books come in multi-packs and there are also square mini books available too!

If you are looking for something a little larger, Viovio offers over a dozen different book sizes, all at a very affordable price!

Here are a couple of pictures of the mini brag book I made for last Father’s day: